September 04, 2015


Destiny Rising banner
This is my stop during the blog tour for Destiny Rising by Siobhan Davis. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 21 September, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours. 
This series contains 3 books: True Calling (True Calling #1), Beyond Reach (True Calling #2) and Destiny Rising (True Calling #3). And two novella’s: Lovestruck (True Calling #0.5) and Light of a Thousand Stars (True calling #2.5).

Destiny Rising
Destiny Rising (True Calling #3) By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Dystopian/Science Fiction/Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: August 30, 2015
Blurb: Every choice has a consequence. Once again, the world is on the brink of momentous change. As revolutionary organization Saoirse prepares to battle the government for control of Earth and Novo, Ariana and those she loves must join humanity’s fight for justice and freedom. As haunted memories resurface, old discoveries and new realities conspire to shatter her world forever. Torn in one direction by her unique connection to childhood sweetheart Zane, and pulled in the other by a relentless passion for her fiery fiancé Cal, she must make the hardest decision of all. While embarking on a road to self-discovery, her psychic gift evolves and the full extent of her powerful ability is revealed. Then fate lands another savage blow and she faces the most horrific choice of all. Forced into striking a deal with the enemy, she must make the ultimate personal sacrifice or risk everything she holds dear. When destiny finally rears its head, what will the future hold?

You can find Destiny Rising on Goodreads
You can buy Destiny Rising here: - Amazon - - - - Barnes&Noble - Apple/iBooks - Kobo

Praise for Destiny Rising:
“It was beyond brilliant, totally unputdownable, wildly entertaining, edge of the seat action, full of suspense; it totally rocked. Loved the ending, loved the book.” 
Karla. Goodreads Reviewer. 

“This is without a doubt the best book this author has written so far. I loved it from the start until the end. This series shows how a love triangle can be done right. Destiny Rising evoked so many emotions in me … and the ending, wow, so powerful. I highly recommend this series.”
 Lola’s Reviews. 

“I cannot believe all of the whammy that this author packed into her book. It’s insane how quickly she’s put out these three books, and the quality is so incredibly good.” 
Danielle. Paraeducator and Goodreads Reviewer.

 “The events in this book, especially the ones I thought I could handle, left my heart and mind racing. Siobhan Davis is an exceptional writer and she knows how to wrap a reader around her fingers.” Khayzelle. Written Arts Blog. 

“Suspense, and the urge to turn the page were almost overwhelming, resulting in quite a few long nights. The story is complex, but solidly built. Good to the last page.” 
Patricia Hamill. Author Blogger. Puretextuality. @PatriciaHamill2 

“I cannot put my love for Siobhan Davis’ True Calling series into words – it’s easily one of my favorite series. Destiny Rising tugs at your heart strings and messes with your feelings, but it is so wonderful. The writing is brilliant and flows wonderfully. Davis’ brings the series to a close with an epilogue that ties everything perfectly together. What a fantastic ride…” 
Danielle. RamblingB00ks Blog.

 “True Calling was great, and Beyond Reach was awesome, but Destiny Rising took the series to a whole new level. This series deserves to become as well-known as popular series such as The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, Divergent, etc... It's that good.”
 Rose. Paranormal Books Blog. 

First two books in the series:

True Calling
True Calling (True Calling #1) By Siobhan Davis

Genre: Dystopian/Science Fiction/Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: August 1, 2014
Blurb: Two Different Worlds. One Shared Dream. Planet Novo, nestled in space twelve hundred miles above the surface of the Earth, is the new home of 17-year-old Cadet Ariana Skyee. Confused by the government-sanctioned memory erase and distressed at her impending forced marriage and motherhood, Ariana’s plans for the future are thrown into complete disarray. As the traumatic events within her family life enfold, Ariana grows increasingly alarmed at the authorities apparent pre-occupation with her and feels progressively more isolated and alone. Her growing feelings for fellow Cadet Cal Remus intensify as the recently announced pageant, ‘The Calling’, gets underway. Struggling to comprehend the continuous, inexplicable dreams of the mysterious Zane, discovering the past helps shape her future, with devastating personal consequences.

You can find True Calling on Goodreads
Start the series for free! Grab your copy of True Calling for free here: - Amazon - Amazon UK - Barnes & Noble - iTunes/iBooks - Kobo

Beyond ReachBeyond Reach (True Calling #2) By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopian Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: April 30, 2015
Blurb: Some Secrets are worth fighting for Back on Earth, Ariana is caught in a dangerous crossfire between clandestine rebel organization Clementia and the power-hungry government. Refusing to divulge the location of the secret information entrusted to her by her late father, she desperately tries to bargain for her Mom, Lily, and Cal’s rescue. She’s fighting a losing battle, and the clock is ticking. Presented with evidence of her fiancé Cal’s apparent betrayal, she loyally defends him despite her concerns. With her emotions in turmoil, matters become even more complicated as she grows closer to her ex-boyfriend Zane. When the stakes are raised, a succession of shocking revelations rocks her world, setting her on a path that will not only change her destiny but the fate of humanity. Confronted by a memory so abhorrent comes a truth she would do anything to forget. But some things just can’t be undone. *** Beyond Reach is the gripping second novel in the True Calling trilogy, continuing the story of Ariana Skyee in the weeks after she arrives back on Earth.

You can find Beyond Reach on Goodreads
You can buy Beyond Reach here: - Amazon - Amazon UK - Barnes & Noble - Kobo - iBooks

My Review for Beyond Reach

SiobhanSiobhan Davis is the author of YA science fiction romance series True Calling. A self-diagnosed ‘teenager forever’—at least when it comes to books, music and movies; Siobhan is totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. Siobhan loves baking, crime novels, shoes, bags, make-up, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward). Siobhan has forged a successful corporate career, in Human Resources, over the last twenty years. Siobhan resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.
Contact Siobhan at:
You can find and contact Siobhan here: - Website - Blog - Facebook - Twitter - Google + - Goodreads - Amazon - Newsletter

Sample chapters, quotes, reviews and book excerpts are all available to download from the authors website

Join Siobhan's mailing list to receive a free copy of Lovestruck.

Author Interview!

Tell us about your True Calling series!
True Calling is a new YA sci-fi romance trilogy with a unique paranormal twist, containing a perfect blend of action, adventure, romance, conspiracy, loss and survival. Set amidst a controlling regime and an unravelling new world order, the plot moves between two different worlds (utopian vs dystopian) and is relayed from two distinct perspectives.

Cadet Ariana Skyee’s life is turned upside-down when the government on Planet Novo announce the introduction of an e-pageant—‘The Calling’—which compels every 17-year-old into impending marriage and parenthood. Forced to participate in the elaborate, reality TV-style assessment process which will identify her future spouse, Ariana is distraught at being compelled to marry and have children at such a young age. Confounded by the influx of dreams of the mysterious Zane, Ariana wonders whether the government-sanctioned memory erase has seriously messed with her mind. She falls for fellow Cadet Cal Remus as the pageant gets underway, coinciding with a series of tragic events which rock her world.

There is a very unique love triangle in True Calling - readers who say they are jaded with love-triangles will re-think their views after reading my series!
If you liked The Hunger Games, The Selection, Matched and The 100 then you will love True Calling.

What is it about young adult fiction that appeals to you?
I love the blending of action, adventure, swoon-worthy romance and life–or–death type scenarios that are typical of the YA books I read. I enjoy science fiction, dystopian and fantasy YA more so than contemporary YA, in the main. I also tend to really enjoy the writing style of the many talented authors who write in this genre.

Who is your favourite character of your creation?
It’s extremely difficult for me to pick a favourite character as I have grown so attached to all my characters. Both Ariana, and Cal, have a special place in my heart, but Isla Munroe was the most fun character to write. She is snarky and feisty and a handful of trouble, but ultimately loyal to the core. She has an interesting backstory which we will learn more about as the series develops.

What factors do you think make a great young adult book?
In no particular order…
·         Captivating writing style and an authentic voice
·         Visually stunning world-building
·         Originality and uniqueness of the plot
·         Consistent pacing and a story that flows well
·         A strong female protagonist who also has a vulnerable side and isn’t afraid to show that (it’s a strength, not a weakness.) An MC that the reader can connect with on an emotional level.
·         A decent cast of side characters that the reader cares about.
·         Good dose of heart-stomping romance and plenty of hot boys!
What authors do you feel have shaped your works the most?
I have a huge list of favourite YA authors including Laini Taylor, J K Rowling, John Green, Marie Lu, Veronica Roth, and Susan Kaye Quinn (a new fav). However, the authors who have most influenced my writing are Stephenie Meyer (I obsessed over the Twilight books), Suzanne Collins (such a talented writer. THG Trilogy is exceptionally well written) and most recently Jennifer L. Armentrout. I only discovered Jennifer about five months ago and I’ve read all 31 of her books. I devour anything she writes and I am in awe of her talent and her ability to write so many excellent books so quickly. I bow at the altar of JLA.

What is the best piece of writing advise you’ve ever been given?
Flex the writing muscle every day.
And I do. I write something every single day even if it’s only a half-page. Like most things in life practice makes perfect.

What are the best and worst things about being a writer?
Getting to spend so much time in the heads of fictional characters and in imaginary worlds is the stuff dreams are made of! Connecting with readers and other kindred bookaholics around the world is fantastic – I get to immerse myself in my geeky-booknerd self and that’s awesome.
Being a writer in the current climate is challenging and finding the time to write, publish and promote is a delicate juggling act. Huge amounts of self-discipline and superb time-management skills are an essential part of any writer’s toolkit these days.

What is the best feedback you’ve ever received on your books?
I have been blown away by some of the incredible reviews I’ve received for True Calling from bloggers and readers all over the world. Receiving five 5 Star reviews from Readers Favorite was an early highlight. Opening up my inbox to receive lovely emails from readers in far flung places is just breath-stealing; a really incredible feeling. It’s hard for me to isolate the feedback but I have included some in the front pages of my book and there are snippets on my Amazon page.
A few that stuck in my mind are:
“If this is what Siobhan Davis is bringing to the table as her debut then she is clearly an author to follow.”
“A mix of The Hunger Games with dating and a better version of the movie Elysium…”

What should we look out for from you in the future?
Book 1 of my new YA science fiction romance series will be released in December 2015, with the remaining books scheduled to release in 2016. The first book in my new series is entitled ‘Saven: Deception’ and it is chok-a-block full of action, intrigue, suspense and romance and a few surprises of the alien kind J

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Destiny Rising. These are the prizes you can win: - e-copies of the whole True calling series by Siobhan Davis. Which is the following books: True Calling, Lovestruck, Beyond Reach, Light of a Thousand Stars and Destiny Rising. - one 10$ amazon gift card For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

You can follow me on Goodreads!
or on twitter or instagram @karleigh.reads


  1. I was just looking for a book to read! Thank you!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting my blog tour and for the fantastic interview Karleigh.
