July 18th was Adam's birthday, we had planned to do a lot that day but a terrible phone call from the labour board put the whole thing to a halt. [for those of you who don't know I am currently fighting a past employer with help from the labour board.] Instead we just spent the day together, having lunch out at an expensive restaurant and dinner with his family.
That morning I had decided to try something that I had learned watching Alli Speed's youtube on turning your old curling iron into a curling wand by removing the clip. [CLICK HERE TO WATCH] Stupid me never thought of doing this before even though it seemed very simple and was quite easy to do. I could NEVER for the life of me figure out how to curl my hair with the iron and clip but as soon as it was removed it was a whole new ball game. The wand was so much easier to use!
The Merchantman Pub
We decided for lunch we were going to try somewhere that we had never been before, didn't really care about the price since it was Adam's birthday. Downtown Charlottetown we found the Merchantman Pub, coffee house atmosphere, expensive fish and chips restaurant.
I actually really liked the way the place was decorated, plus huge orange benches for seating. I love orange, and it's never used enough. I of course ordered fish and chips, while Adam ordered the Merchantman burger.
The food was great, their was A LOT of it and ended up leaving about half of it. For the price that it was I don't think I would be going back any time soon but it's a great place for special occasions.

For his birthday Adam got quite a few things. A couple first person shooters for his xbox one including C.O.D, which he plays with his friend every weekend while they drink. He also got a BBQ from my parents which we are loving, we have had dinner by BBQ every single night since we got it. This is the first time I've never owned one myself so we are taking full advantage of it.
First dinner I cooked on a BBQ, I'm quite proud of myself.
Adam also got a Surface Pro 3. This thing is amazing, little laptop tablet thing with detachable keyboard. Everything is done through magnets so the keyboard just snaps itself on as well as the charging cable. I love it and pretty sure I use it more then he does. I would love to have one for school but for the price of $1300 not going to happen.
I finished another book, The Maze Runner. I will be putting up my thoughts on it in my next blog post, have started the second book in the series already. I am quite enjoying the ease of my Kindle paper white to read my books off of. I love real books but some of them are heavy and bulky. #firstworldproblems. I have so much time now that I don't play MMO's anymore [which I miss a lot], I stopped so that when school started I would be able to focus on that 100% instead of wasting so much time gaming. ALTHOUGH I still play Hearthstone and if you like card based games I HIGHLY suggest you try it out. Especially because they recently released Naxx for it. The reason I like this so much is it's not time consuming. I can play when I have time and I'm not far behind everyone else.
I've also been debating on cutting and dying my hair. I was hoping that if I didn't have to maintain a job while I attend school I was going to have fun with the colour of my hair one last time. I was thinking pale purple or maybe bright red, but that is yet to be determined. I do want to cut my hair though, maybe to my shoulders. This summer is especially hot and with long hair it's quite painful. I find that my hair spends most of the time up in a ponytail or in a tightly wrapped bun because of it's length. I feel that if I cut it to shoulder length or shorter I may get more use out of it. My hair is like my security blanket, it takes a lot for me to agree to cut it.
One last thing before I go, Today is one of my really good friend's daughters first birthday. Although she has been dreading this day because it means that so much time has gone by and her baby girl is getting older today is a special day. I still can't believe that Misty is a mom to a one year old little own a mom at all. I still remember talking to you on livejournal, meeting up with you at the movies and sleepovers all the time. I am so proud of everything you have done for your little girl and so happy for you. I couldn't see myself taking care of a child and you have done so well! Big milestones still to come but I'd say this is quite a big one as well. Happy FIRST birthday Brynn! You are one lucky, beautiful little girl.

For those mama's out there you can check out Misty's amazing blog and even participate in her giveaways she is doing for Brynn's first birthday
I will do more of a review on Misty's blog in another post.
Well that's it for now, hope you all are having an EXCELLENT day. Until next time.